Well, did you all survive the Halloween madness?! Us, too. Now, what to do with all those candy wrappers that are gathering as your kids (or you) make their way through the sugary loot??? Here are some really cool DIY projects I found that make me want to say
"Kids, hurry up and eat that candy!"
This curtain from
Luisa Caldwell is made from thread and old wrappers, and would make an excellent party backdrop.
Gum wrapper chains also make for really great Christmas garland that you can use for years upon years. From
The New New.
DIY Candy Wrapper Barrettes (source: MAKE)
This gorgeous evening dress, designed by Christina Liedtke, took over 600 M&M wrappers and 1,800 flower designs to create. It was featured at
TerraCycle’s Greenup! Popup Shop in New York City in 2010.