Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sew Creative!

Yesterday I read an article in our local paper (Beth Hughes/San Francisco Chronicle) about how sewing classes are bursting at the seams as sewing enthusiasts and wanna-be seamstresses are taking this retro craft to new heights. There are many reasons for this, we know - the recession, the desire to simplify one's life, the inspiration of television shows like Project Runway, the DIY movement, self-expression, etc. According to the article, it's all these reasons and more. It's an attitude lined with a can-do spirit and stitched together by how-to home-sewing videos on YouTube. Born of the desire to be more self-sufficient, the result is a creative all-gender antidote to a workaday world, a truly individualized look and, for some, a possible career move. "In a survey, we found that the No.1 reason for our members to sew is to have a creative outlet," says Nora Abousteit, co-founder of Burdastyle, which has more than 400,000 members and gets 6.5 million page views per month. Interest in sewing has grown out of the craft and DIY movements. While in can be cheaper to buy 'disposable' clothing at retail stores like Forever 21 and H&M, people are interested in something unique, something they made with their own hands. Today, sewing is the latest 'lost art' of our grandmother's art that is being revived. There is something so satisfying when you engage your creativity and make something yourself. Places like the Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica, Selvedge Sewing, and The Crafter's Studio in Santa Cruz offer sewing classes and DIY inspiration, as well as other craft offerings.

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