Thursday, October 20, 2011

New York Times Personality Quiz

I read this and thought it would be interesting to take the quiz. It's really a tool for the NY Times marketing department to personalize product recommendations for its readers. So I did. It's great, you just click on the picture that best describes your preferences based on the question asked. Simple. Here's the pictures I chose to represent me:
Here's what the quiz revealed about me:

You're a trendsetter...
A born creative, you love to be in control of your own style and have an appreciation of style in others too. One of life's pleasures is watching as something beautiful take shape, whether it's a carefully selected outfit or a piece of art. Being the tactile person you are, if you can get involved in it's creation then all the better. You are thoughtful and original in your outlook. You like to be made to think and often seek out ways to expand your horizons.
Lively and confident, you're someone who likes to make a big impression. You understand that first impressions count and that you won't always get a second chance. You've got great taste and strive to be one step ahead of the crowd. Your passion for fashion means you've got a bit of a reputation amongst your friends for creating your own style. Keeping an eye on the trends, you know what suits you but while adopting the values of society in dress and taste, you are just as concerned with inward, spiritual beauty as with looks. The key is to allow yourself to appreciate life's journey while holding fast to that which matters most to you.

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