Ugh! I had a rough week that ended with a great Saturday. I won't share the details that kept me from blogging for 10 days, but I will share with you what I did on Saturday that made it so great. A few weeks ago two friends whom I never traveled with before invited me to head to the central coast to shop and wander at the
'Remnants of the Past' Vintage Show at the
Madonna Inn. I'm so glad I said yes! Not only were they great traveling buddies with lots of good stories to tell, they are also very creative individuals who love seeking out interesting elements to make into something new. We arrived at about 11am, parked in a pasture, jumped right onto a shuttle heading up the hill behind the Madonna Inn to where the event was taking place, paid our entrance fee (just 10 bucks), and began to shop almost immediately. The weather was perfect, about 80 degrees and breezy (compared to the central valley where it was supposed to be upwards of 100 degrees). Here's what we saw over and over again: mason jars, bird cages, wire baskets, frames, bottles, crochet, lace, antique brass jewelry, crowns and tiaras, signage, cloches, remade jewelry with vintage elements, lots of vintage French flea market items, stained glass windows, refashioned lighting, dolls, rosaries, garden decor, French linens and fabrics, silverware, and buttons. I spent very little money, really, only buying some vintage beads, some silver oyster forks, and tin initials. I plan to use what I bought to make other things. Who knows when, as I am a better collector than maker these days. Here's some pics...