I am getting ready for a much needed 3 day weekend this Memorial Day. The weather is perfect--around 70 degrees--and there are a lot of things to do, although taking a break is definitely on my list. Here's how I plan to spend my weekend: Tonight my family and I will most likely head over to the Farmer's Market in Old Town Clovis held every Friday evening. This is why I LOVE living in the Central Valley--we grow the best produce in the world and it's all fresh and delicious. My brother and his family live in Colorado Springs, and they just don't have easy access to the kinds of wonderful summer foods like we grow here. Of course, they have fresh air and beautiful views of the mountains. So it's all a trade off.
I also really want to see the move, Water For Elephants. I read the book when it first came out and loved it. I think the movie will be awesome. It probably won't happen this weekend because the whole family also wants to see Kung Fu Panda 2. On Sunday, we may head back over to Old Town Clovis because it is time for the Antique & Collectible Fair that is so much fun. We always end up with some treasures--I find pieces of jewelry for refashioning, and my guys usually pick up a pocket knife or tool of some kind.
On Monday...........maybe a barbecue or a drive to the lake. Who knows??? That's what is so great about having a long weekend before me. I can do anything I want!