Last weekend I went to Las Vegas with a colleague to attend the Project and Pool shows that are part of the Sourcing At MAGIC show. We loved walking the shows and seeing all the offerings from the different vendors. After hours, we took some time to walk around to see the city and check out some of the high-end stores that are within some of the casinos. What we continued to notice was the obvious color combo of red and black. It was all very dramatic and very chic. It was also very Gothic and romantic. Very,
dare I say, 'Edward and Bella' inspired, if you know what I mean. (Think, vampires, 'Twilight' and 'True Blood'.) If you are unfamiliar with the cover of the Twilight book, it's black and red. Have any of you noticed the black and red palette in advertisements in the fashion magazines? Every other page is black and red. But more than that, the models have cool, pale looking skin (to the point of looking bloodless) with deep red lips. Do vampires really have the power to influence fashion? Most of these vampire romance books are written by women for women. Movies and TV series are made based on these books. Teens love them, but so do adult women. It's all about escaping from reality anyway. The uncertain economy is real and scary. The economy affects pop culture. Pop culture is reflected in fashion. See how one thing bleeds into another? And the next thing you know, we're all wearing red and black and standing in a line to see 'New Moon', the next movie installment of the Stephenie Myers 'Twilight' series.