Thursday, May 29, 2008
Take a summer 'Staycation'

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Being relatively new to blogging, I find myself continually checking out other peoples blogs to see what they are talking about, what they're into, what they are reading, listening to, learning about. Of course, I have a number of favorite bloggers whom I visit on a regular basis, like Ornamental, Nina Bagley's blog. She is inspired by nature - sea glass, rocks, found objects - an artist of jewelry and mixed media pieces, yet it is her eloquent writing style that brings me back to her time and time again, to find out about the life she has carved out for herself and her dog, Aspen, on Firefly Road. (OK, I do have a life, for those of you who think I am far too knowledgeable about perfect strangers! But you see, when you read their blogs you start to know them, befriend them, wonder about them. And, it is part of my job to keep my finger on the pulse of artisans and crafters for new and wonderful ideas.) A new favorite blog is Stephanie Lee's. I took a class from her at Art & Soul, which inspired me to get into metalsmithing. (I still haven't actually made anything yet - lack of personal artistic time - but I did send my husband to the hardware store to buy me a torch.) She lives in the mountains in Oregon and is a mixed media and metalsmithing artist as well. I love how she tells you what music she is listening to at any given moment and then gives you the link so you can hear it, too. Reading blogs can be as soothing and escape-laden as reading a good book that you never have to finish. I actually start missing these women when they don't blog for a few days. Usually they are traveling toward a new adventure, holding out the promise of a good story when they return.
Another favorite blog is Jennifer Perkin's, Naughty Secretary Club. Now that girl is a faithful blogger. She is connected to everyone, everywhere, and has her finger in every artistic pie that appeals to her indie leanings. She is as real as it gets ...and I never pine for her because she is a blogging maniac! Me? I write this blog for my company. It is obviously about trends, but sometimes I like to use it as an online diary of my personal experiences. It keeps it real. I try to blog at least once a week, sometimes more, depends on my workload. I love blogging - it's therapeutic. Maybe someday someone will pine for my writings..........
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Native American

To get more of the Native fix, check out this page from the May issue of Marie Claire magazine for some fashionable ways to "go native."

Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day

Mother's Day Weekend
First thing Saturday morning we got up and headed to Costco to pick out some beautiful flowers for my parents headstone. They share a headstone so they always get to share flowers, no matter whose occasion we are celebrating. I like visiting with them, bringing them seasonal flowers and checking in on them. I know they are really in Heaven, but I like having a place to go when I need to talk, tell them I am better. . . Happy Mother's Day, Mom.
Well I had quite the interesting time this past Mother's Day weekend. My husband loves hot rods and rat rods and going to car shows around the valley to see them. He loves when the boys and I go with him, and so we go. . . On Saturday we went to The Wanderers 2nd Annual Car Show on Olive Avenue. It was fun to hang out with my guys and check out cool cars. I am a 'ghost flames' girl. I want some flames on my PT Cruiser. . . A girl can dream!
I took my camera with me, intending to snap pics of the rods and my boys. Which I did. My husband's name is Lucky so he had to pose by this truck with a crate of 'Lucky Lager' in the back. My sons chose to pose with 'Mater' from "Cars."
But I also really got into the genre of the people who were there. It was like 'indie meets 1940's-1950's pin-ups and street toughs.' Of course, the whole vintage look - from tattoos to fashion - is totally trendy right now. 
I had a great time wandering around, asking people if they minded that I take their picture. Everyone was really cool. The girls were all waiting to strut their stuff for the "Miss Pin-Up" contest, but didn't mind taking a moment to pose for me. 

Across the street from the rods were parked some very sweet vintage Cadillacs. My husband is a Cadillac man and these babies were calling to him. He was bummed that he didn't drive his to the car show, opting to be gas-wise and take my Cruiser. He missed out on having others admire his Caddy, originally my mother's baby.
Oh well, enough for one day. Gotta get ready for Mother's Day tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
On Wings Of Music

Today is a special day. It is May 7th, my Dad's birthday. This is the second birthday we are celebrating without him. He passed away seventeen months ago. I miss him. Happy Birthday, Dad!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tie-dye: Crossing All Boundaries

Thursday, May 1, 2008
"Come correct"

I stared at the screen. 'Come correct'....what is she talking about??? Yes, we had important guests yesterday. Yes I was standing in someone else's cube when I was introduced. Hmmm, I did wear jeans yesterday, but so did others in the building. Obviously, V is joking. Of course! I must reply with an equally prankish response. As I begin typing my response I decide it is best not to assume anything. I will say something witty and then I will apologize, just in case. Brilliant! So I wrote: OK, I am lost. What are you talking about 'come correct'? Because I was wearing jeans? I have two explanations:
1) Allee is jealous of me and wants to be as fabulous as me. Obviously she is trying to take me down. (This is my response to you if this email is intended to be a prank.)
2) So sorry, it will never happen again. (This is my response if you are serious about my attire being inappropriate.) J
Within a few minutes this email came through from V: It was a joke... Allee told me about the *word for the day* from the Urban Dictionary... The other day, it was *come correct*..."to come out rightly... to speak or approach someone with respect, and not with undeniable ignorance... to do something the right way the first time to avoid being bitched by another..." I just thought it was a cool saying and Allee said you were aware of it so I told her I was going to use it on you last night!
Whew! Close call....So Allee and the Urban Dictionary are to blame for this little misunderstanding. I immediately realized that I need to be a daily subscriber to the 'word of the day' from the Urban Dictionary, even if it is rated-R at times. I also realized I better wear my jeans on casual Friday only - just in case. And lastly, when dealing with your boss, always 'come correct.'
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