Have you noticed how much bold stitching and vibrant embroidery are on everything?! I went shopping with my husband last week and ended up "sightseeing" at Anthropologie. So much of their clothing and linens
featured some form of hand-stitched motifs, embroidered appliques and funky trims and buttons. I kept running my fingers over the sumptuous stitching, experiencing the textures first hand (no pun intended). This trend is as much about the tactile experience as it is about the hand-sewn look. Just a few days ago I did a mini trend expedition with a group of designers. We went to a local high-end shopping center (sometimes its just fun to get out) to see how these stores were catering to a certain type of clientele. Pottery barn had pillows with detailed stitching and embroidery
work on them. They were very natural in color palette and motif design: butterflies, leaves, branches. One of my favorite things I saw were a set of huge wooden buttons that hang on the wall. I don't even sew, but I was completely intrigued by them. The sight of them was just another confirmation that this needlecraft trend is huge. If you are handy with a needle and floss you must be loving this inspiring trend. If you are needle-challenged like me, get some Tulip iron-on appliques. You will be right on-trend!