Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

As if the car show were not enough excitement for one weekend, there was more! We all got up early and got dressed up to go out to breakfast at 8am at the Fresno Breakfast House. Mmmm, good food! Never been there before. We don't usually treat ourselves to breakfast out so this was especially nice. Then we headed over to church like we do every Sunday. After church we hurried home to get ready to head up to Bass Lake for the day. We had a blast! We hiked around a little and took the boys down to the lake to play by the shore. The water was a little cold but kids don't care. I didn't realize it at the time but it seemed like our lake outing was all about rocks: gathering rocks. . . skipping rocks. . . climbing on rocks. . .We ended up eating the best burgers at The Forks. We worked up an appetite collecting all those rocks! We decided we must spend a weekend here soon.

1 comment:

Ceramic Diva said...

Yes..the Forks create amazing burgers! They are the best! So glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


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